SWCD Board Elections
Jefferson County voters will see four Board positions on their November 5, 2024 ballots. All are 4 year terms.
Zone 1: Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Zone 3: North Madras area
Zone 5: Culver area
At Large #1: Jefferson County
Zone Directors must reside IN their zone (new change last year) in addition to land management requirements.
Election forms and information may be found at State of Oregon: SWCDs - Elections or below:
CandidatePacketforSWCDDirectorElections.pdfZone boundaries, eligibility requirements, and copies of the required elections forms may also be obtained at the SWCD Office. Please call 541.699.3170 or email districtmanager@jeffswcd.org to set up an appointment or have the forms mailed to you.
Each candidate must file a “Declaration of Candidacy” and a “Petition for Nomination Signature Sheet” (MUST BE CERTIFIED BY COUNTY PRIOR TO FILING) with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Division by 5pm on August 27, 2024.